304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
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Dog Friend Finder: Building a Community of Dog Owners Through Technology

Being a dog owner brings a sense of community, as you instantly become part of a network of fellow dog lovers. However, finding like-minded people who share your passion for dogs isn’t always straightforward. With Frendy, that’s about to change.

The app not only helps you connect with friends but can also introduce you to new people through your dog. By using the geolocation feature, Frendy lets you discover nearby dog owners and create a network of friends with shared interests. Whether you’re looking for a training buddy, a dog-walking group, or simply another dog owner to chat with, Frendy helps you find those connections effortlessly.

Imagine scrolling through a list of nearby users, seeing who has a dog similar to yours, and setting up a meet. It’s like a friend finder for your furry friend! And the more dog owners you meet, the stronger your sense of community becomes. Frendy allows you to break the ice in an easy, natural way through your shared love for dogs.

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