304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

How Geolocation Technology Can Strengthen Your Dog’s Playtime

Dog playdates are essential for the mental and physical well-being of our furry friends. Dogs thrive when they engage in social play, and a regular playdate is the perfect outlet for their energy and instinctual behaviors. However, finding friends for your dog to play with isn’t always easy—until now.

With Frendy’s geolocation feature, you can effortlessly coordinate playdates with nearby dog owners. Imagine being at the dog park and seeing a notification that a friend and their dog are just a few blocks away. Instead of texting back and forth to arrange times, Frendy makes it simple by showing you who’s around in real time.

These spontaneous meetups not only enrich your dog’s social life but also foster connections between you and other dog lovers. The more often dogs engage with others, the more well-adjusted they become. And for you, it’s an opportunity to share tips, stories, and experiences with fellow dog enthusiasts. Frendy’s real-time location updates allow you to create regular, fun, and easy dog playdates.

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